Tue. Feb 4th, 2025
COVID-19 Robots

This is the time that the price of everything from a simple thread to the expensive accessory; all are at the highest of their price as the world is in a rush to restart breathing after days of smother. And that’s all just due to the outbreak of the deadly and cruel virus; popularly known as CORONAVIRUS.

Now, the world is trying to take a breath of relief; but without the availability of a vaccine against COVID-19. Don’t you think this is gonna make the recovery process at risk to backsliding?

Of course, yes. Without the complete recovery, if the world rushes towards reopening the economy, this will surely make the recovery process vulnerable to backsliding.

Yesterday, I came to see a video about a non-living dog; yet working just like a man does, i.e., patrolling a park to enforce the rules of social-distancing. Honestly, I freaked out at the very first sight. Let me tell you the name of the dog; okay? It was named ‘Spot’.

When I asked some people about it, I came to know that this four-legged ‘Robo-Dog’ was created by a team of scientists from Boston Dynamics. After talking further with some people, guess what I came to hear.

I heard people saying that the Government of Singapore has already planned to use ‘Spot’ at a hospital. Wondering about what might be its use at a hospital; right?

Well, that was all used to deliver the medicines to the patients. After that very incident, the interest in robots and their advantages increased within me. On enquiring furthermore about Spot, I came to know that robots were uses therefor a pandemic response during that hard time when the deadly COVID – 19 had hit the whole world. Moreover, there was another reality that I found during that time.


Guess what might that another reality be?

Well, the other amazing reality was that there was a company between the humans and the robots that were developed in the post-pandemic world.

Believe it or not! I found that the robots are using for all purposes – from ensuring social distancing to disinfecting the room, delivering medicines. Likewise, I also saw that these artificially made humanoids were also used to produce & manufacture of a wide variety of equipment that is used for personal protection. Besides, let me also tell you that certain robots that are used to provide a variety of mobile services in hospitals, factories and many other workspaces when the world was all restricted from staying closer to one another; i.e., during the pandemic outbreak of the deadly coronavirus.

 Now, let me ask you a question, okay?

As the use of robots is increasing day to day and people are developing the habit of being more dependent upon them, will robots become general to fulfill everyone’s needs after this pandemic ends?

Go through this text. Here, I have shared the opinions of the three experts who shared their thoughts on how robotics is addressing the challenges that this deadly pandemic has raised.

On Pandemic Response

As per Howie Choset, the professor of robotics at Carnegie Mellon University where he also serves as the co-director of the Bio-robotics lab, this is one of the main topics that the experts of robotics have been thinking about since a very long time. And this is why we can say that it’s not that hard to determine the way those ideas of tracing and rescuing can be applied as the methods of response against the outbreak of the pandemic; i.e., the deadly coronavirus.

Howie Choset told us that there’s a lot of technologies in the field of robotics that can be applied to benefit during the hard times of the pandemic outbreak of the deadly COVID-19. He further states that human work can be multiple times simply by employing robots.

And yes, they can even deal more easily with all the tasks in comparison to human beings. They can easily build ventilators, break-down the blockages as per the requirement and can do whatever a man can do.

These are some of the common reasons that make robots both useful and cost-effective.

Another famous person, Mark Stibich the chief scientific officer & the co-founder of Xenex, a company that develops the UV disinfection robots that allow the disinfection of the hospital rooms using the no-touch method which is repeatable and easily reliable too; that his company was able to redeploy their robots into multiple fields of the hospitals some of which included the screening areas, ER and also the respiratory career areas to get them sterilized.

Hotel guiding / delivery robots

As I’m talking about what the robots can do, let me also clearly tell you that many companies manufacture the robots that are deployed into the different fields of healthcare, shopping center and even hotels. From to taking care of your household works, your children and aged members, the robots can easily deal with all of them. Let me suggest that the robots are uses in a large number to operate within the COVID. Guess what they might be doing over there.

Don’t you have any idea regarding this?

Well, they were handling the task of monitoring the patients and also guiding them.

Here, you might be wondering about how all these were possible, right?

Well, what the experts of robotics did; have they just used the platform that was previously developed for the field of agriculture by changing them for use in the hospitals and the other sectors.

On Telepresence Robots

Most of the experts in the field of robotics believe that telepresence has a very strong potentiality for growth. It’s a very common fact that everyone wants a completely free platform in his/her profession; and that too; along with a perfect match.

But the reality is that the people are in the run to understand that thing that hasn’t ever been – they might not get everything. Here, let me inform you that they do not need to get everything they want; rather only some of those desired things will be sufficient to fulfill all of their necessities.

In case, you can take the case of a specialist doctor. For him, telepresence in a certain field is a possibility, now. And the robots come at the very first preference in this context. Frankly, this has become a very important need not only in the field of medical science and services; rather in the field of manufacturing and production, too.

Scanning robot

At this time, creating a good telescopic presence is still a difficult problem to deal with. According to Choset, the scientists working in the field of robotics provide a presence that is comparable to the Zoom phone call. Meanwhile, the users are trying their best to tolerate a non-immersive experience due to the problem.

Here, most of them do believe that it is an opportunity for them to build on. Guess how?

They can try dealing with the problem by making their attempts to solve the problem; although not completely but even partially to the best of their level. Having done this, I bet no one can keep them from achieving the grand success of making the robots omnipresent by the end of the pandemic days of the cruel and deadly coronavirus.

 Let me tell you that even Stibich also agreed to Choset’s points. Also, he said; “There will be more market for telepresence now and everyone seems to be more accepting. In telemedicine, people are recognizing the risk and convenience, so we are seeing the push toward it.”

On Factory Automation

These days, most of the large-scale factories and industries have become automated. Indeed, automation has become one of their inavoidable ways of working. And it’s all been possible due to the robots and the scientists involved in achieving the grand success of introducing them to the world.

Despite a large number of robots were used every day, a large number of people are also on-duty alongside the robots. According to Choset, we will surely see the vision and the technology growing if the people are maintaining social distancing. And if yes, his team shall be accepting more of the orders to create more number of robots that will possess even better features. 

Robots dynamic

Robotics have popularized the day-to-day in human-life to a much greater context. The robots have eased-down the task of lined-jobs – go to collect the parts in the supermarkets.

And it’s all been possible due to the efforts and attempts of the scientists who worked all the time to take the technique of robotics to this level.

And this has a lot of benefits to offer to them; times more than what they spend.

Do you own a company?

Want to get it with the decreased workforce?

Do you want to avoid all the possible chances of getting attacked with coronavirus infection?

If your single answer to all the questions is ‘YES’, you must contact Robots Dynamic. I bet you’ll get the best robot that will be designed especially for your business.