How The AI Robots Are Helping The Hotel Industry In COVID-19 Crisis
Had you ever thought of this deadly disease before it came to light among the public? Wondering about which disease? …
Tips to use Disinfection Liquid on infected hard surface
The world has been hit by dangerous diseases i.e., Coronavirus or COVID-19 is caused by the cruel virus that is…
Can UVC Lamps And Radiation Disinfection Coronavirus?
There’s been a lot of efforts throughout the whole world to destroy the deadly and cruel coronavirus which is popularly…
How can COVID-19 Disinfection Robots and AI Robots help during the COVID situation?
Today, the whole global community is in a race to find the treatment of the most ferocious and one of…
Robots being omnipresent in Coronavirus
This is the time that the price of everything from a simple thread to the expensive accessory; all are at…
Disinfecting Robot Helps To Fight Aginst Coronavirus
Well, the disinfection robot can simply be understood as the robot workers that help the human to disinfect the surrounding…